Book Lover’s DIY Gift Basket

book lover gift basket

Book Lover’s DIY Gift Basket

Good books are always a good gift, they can be different and unique every year depending on the current best sellers. I also like to make it a gift that I make, so it’s personal and comes from the heart. Yes, you guessed it a personalized “gift basket.

Leading up to the occasion, I take some time to think about things that the person who is receiving he gift has said she liked over the year and things that she has pointed out in a book that she might like. Then I go about looking for items that would fit into a theme that I can put together into a “Basket.

Gift Baskets can be all shapes and sizes, you are only limited by your imagination and of course your budget. A gift basket can be big or small, fancy or plain.

I have always struggled with creative talent so when I discovered that making gift baskets was very simple, I became a talented person overnight!

Something I have found funny since I learned how easy it was to create a Gift Basket is how many friends copy my ideas and give baskets to their friends.

I give “Gift Baskets for all occasions – from Christmas to Marriages, Arrival of a New Baby, Birthday Gifts for Boys or Girls, Leaving Party in fact the reasons are endless.

Here are some ideas for a Book Lovers Gift Basket

Books, of course – New or used, a few or many, Best sellers or Traditional favorites or their favorite magazines.

Does the person read mainly online or Listen to books? Give a digital gift certificate to their favorite bookseller e.g. Kindle or Audible

A reading pillow, the kind you can lean on or the kind that holds a book or tablet, available at the Dollar Store

A reading light

A dictionary to look up new words

Reading snacks

Coffee or tea mug

Coffee or tea to go with the mug


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